Monadnock View Farm



Monadnock View Farm

Keene, New Hampshire’s very own Christmas Tree farm.

Limited Supply Left!

Monadnock View Farm is a small family run farm.  Because of this, we have a limited amount of Christmas Trees available each year.  We have a few trees left for the 2024 season.  If you are interested in a tree please emails us: to check on availability and to set up an appointment.  All available trees are 7 Feet tall.  Please see our FAQ page for more info.

Sincerely, Ron Parodi & Kaitlyn Taft

Nice view of beautiful Mount Monadnock

We are lucky to have a wonderful view of Mt. Monadnock from our Christmas Tree fields.


All Hand Sheared!

Each and every tree is hand sheard by me.  I love taking the time to make sure each tree is nicely shaped into a natural looking Christmas Tree.

Field of Trees

These are 8+ year old Fralsam Fir Trees.  They are a cross between Balsam Fir and Fraser Fir Trees.  They make a great Christmas Tree as they hold thier needles well and have a nice scent.


Spring Planting

Each Spring, Late April or early May, we plant 300-400 seedlings.  It will take another 8-10 years before they are large enough for a 8′ Christmas Tree.

Freshly mowed field!

It takes a lot of time to keep the fields mowed and cleared so that the seedlings have the best chance of survival.


Freshly Planted Seedling

This seedling was just planted.  It was purchased from a Tree Farm in northern NH.  It is what is called a 2-2, which means it spent 2 years growing in a greenhouse …than 2 years in a transplant bed.

Reach Us



Keene, NH 03431



Very limited suppy for 2024 season – all trees sold via reservation only.